The TV shows and films bringing New Zealand to the world

I found myself caught up in a social media thread recently, where it seemed people weren’t really aware of the international success New Zealand productions have achieved. I decided that needed putting right.

The Premium Production Fund was a special Government initiative during the pandemic to invest in the screen industry via the Film Commission, NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho. The hope was that high quality co-productions would come from the special fund, that would break internationally.

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  1. Very misleading artcile, particularly when it references feature films.

    A sales agent acquiring worldwide rights to a film is not international success – that is a mandatory component of financing a feature film. The vast majority of films have a sales deal in place before they are greenlit.

    TV/episodic is clearly punching above it’s weight and achieving great things, but the feature side of things is not doing well here at all. Sucks to see that our producer’s association are burying their heads in the sand again.

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