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About ShowNews

Welcome to ShowNews, the premier online Screen Industry Hub in New Zealand!

As an independent publication exclusively focused on film, television, content, and games, our mission is to keep the industry well-informed about the latest developments, opinions, and analysis.

Run by a team of dedicated screen industry professionals, ShowNews is your go-to source for all things related to the New Zealand screen industry. Whether you’re a filmmaker, producer, content creator, or gaming enthusiast, we have you covered.

By becoming a member, you gain access to a plethora of benefits to stay up-to-date with the dynamic screen industry in New Zealand. Subscribing to our weekly newsletter ensures that you receive regular updates on industry news, trends, and developments delivered directly to your inbox. Stay in the loop and never miss a beat.

Our commitment to comprehensive coverage means that as a member, you can expect a diverse range of content. Gain insights into various aspects of the industry and keep yourself well-rounded in your knowledge.

Moreover, ShowNews goes beyond just reporting the news. We are dedicated to providing opinion and analysis, helping you understand the underlying dynamics that shape the industry. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and navigate the ever-changing landscape with confidence.

Joining ShowNews also opens doors to valuable networking opportunities within the New Zealand screen industry. Connect with like-minded professionals, expand your industry contacts, and open doors to potential collaborations, partnerships, or exciting career prospects.

So, if you’re passionate about the screen industry and want to stay ahead of the curve in New Zealand, become a member of ShowNews today and immerse yourself in a world of exclusive insights and opportunities.

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Meet The Team

Brian Kassler

Brian Kassler

In 1978, BK embarked on his screen career as a Set Builder and not long after that transitioning to the world of lighting and gripping. This led him to become a Key Grip on many TV commercials and films, including Smash Palace, Savage Islands, and Battletruck.

In 1983, he established The Film Equipment Company, a grip and lighting hire company based in Wellington. Three years later, in 1986, he co-founded the TV commercials company Flying Fish. Producing some of New Zealand’s iconic TV commercials.

Going on to establish Hollywood Props and Sales in 1995. 

He played a pivotal role in the formation of the NZ Advertising Producers Group in 2013.

He founded Showtools and ShowNews in 2011.

BK has an obvious passion for film, television, and advertising in New Zealand.

Keith Barclay

Keith Barclay

Keith was born in the UK and has lived in NZ for most of the last 30 years.

He’s spent over 45 years in and around the entertainment industries, mostly in design and as a writer. Since the mid-noughties, Keith’s worked primarily as a journalist covering the screen industries for publications in the UK, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

In 2015, he co-founded NZ Web Fest, which celebrates podcasts, short films, web series and their creators. The festival runs each November.   

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