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New Zealand's Film Industry Directory

For Film Crew and Producers in New Zealand

The ShowNews Film Industry Directory provides a dynamic platform for individuals in the film industry to not only list their skills and expertise but also to actively engage with a diverse network of professionals. With a comprehensive list of over 150 distinct job roles, this directory ensures that filmmakers, both seasoned veterans and emerging talents, can find the perfect avenue to showcase their unique capabilities. From directors, producers, and cinematographers to editors, sound designers, and costume specialists, every facet of the filmmaking process is represented in our expansive directory.

film crew in studio

Who Would Use The ShowNews Film Directory?

Film Crew

For Film Crew members in New Zealand, The ShowNews Film Industry Directory offers an excellent opportunity to showcase their skills and connect with potential employers. Whether you’re a seasoned cinematographer or occupy one of the many other roles available, this platform enables you to present your expertise to the film community.

Film Producers

Film Producers in New Zealand can greatly benefit from The ShowNews Film Industry Directory as it provides a comprehensive platform to connect with a diverse and talented pool of professionals. By becoming a member, producers gain access to a vast array of skilled individuals spanning over 150 different job roles within the film industry.

Choose Your Membership Type

ShowNews is New Zealand’s Screen Industry Hub for New Zealand Screen professionals.

Please read – Every application for membership undergoes an approval procedure aimed at upholding the site’s integrity and that of its fellow members. Kindly furnish comprehensive details during the signup process to facilitate this evaluation.

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