Sora is Here: OpenAI Has Finally Unleashed its AI Video Model Into the World

While it feels like it was just yesterday, looking back at our first reports of OpenAI’s announcement of its insanely powerful AI video model Sora confirms that this release has indeed been a long time coming. It’s too long for some, perhaps, but not long enough for others though.

Yet, as we’ve spoken with different filmmakers who have been given access to try out Sora over the past months, we’ve all been nervously and eagerly awaiting for OpenAI to release Sora to the general public. And, well, that day appears to have finally come.

Sora is here to wreak havoc on the greater filmmaking world as we know it. But what does Sora actually look like? How much does it cost? And even with its advanced AI video capabilities, is it actually here to replace anything? Let’s explore what we know so far on launch day.

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