Script Supervisor Tips, Tricks and Tools for Better Continuity and Careers

Do you thrive on taking copious notes, observing minute details, and working closely on set with a director? Yes? Then you might want to consider a career as a script supervisor—the person who makes sure that the visual details in a scene (action, wardrobe, props, set dressing, hair and makeup—you name it) are consistent from shot-to-shot and even scene-to-scene.

And you might want to consider these insights from expert script supervisor, Sarah Horton, whose credits over a 12-year career include Mutt & StuffAftermathBehaving Badly, and Liza On Demand. Continuity and consistency are crucial for the development of your project. Your movie simply has to make sense. Script supervising—and filmmaking in general—is all about helping to answer these questions: “How are you getting into a scene?” and “How are you getting out of a scene?” And, most importantly: “How are your scenes blending together to make a beautiful piece of art?”

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