Screen Industry Workers Act 2022 – Time to update contracts with screen production workers

The Screen Industry Workers Act 2022 (Act) came into force at the end of last year, restoring certain employment-like protections to screen production workers, including the right to bargain collectively. While it may be some time before parties work through the collective bargaining process, other provisions in the Act require more immediate action.

Individual contracts with screen production workers entered into after the Act came into force on 30 December 2022 must include certain mandatory terms. Also importantly, from 30 December 2023, all existing contracts with screen production workers (including those entered into before the Act came into force) must be brought up to the same standard.

Although the National party did not support the Act, the new Government has not indicated that the Act will be repealed or substantially amended (and neither coalition agreement makes any mention of the Act). So now is a good time for those affected by the Act to make sure they are familiar with its terms. A failure to comply with certain provisions of the Act could result in the imposition of penalties for non-compliance, of up to NZ$20,000 per breach.

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