Review: NEXT GOAL WINS is awkwardly Kiwi – no wonder Americans didn’t get it

Taika Waititi’s latest directorial work, Next Goal Wins, didn’t exactly open to rave reviews overseas.

In the Guardian, Waititi’s latest project was described as a, “lacklustre fact-based string-puller”, while Vulture wrote “the film is … so sloppily assembled, and so lazy, that it frequently ends up feeling like an inadvertent parody of the underdog-sports genre it belongs to.”

Collider was just as bold, with this being their headline: “’Next Goal Wins’ Review: Extremely OK Sports Comedy Slightly Improved by Solid Taika Waititi Jokes”.

It’s easy to see why they didn’t get it – at its heart, Next Goal Wins is a classic NZ comedy.

Read on at Stuff

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