I,OBJECT – Feature Film

Production Type: Feature Film
Country Of Origin: Aotearoa
Production Company Name: TBA
Producers: Tim White and Polly Fryer
Writer/Director: Andrew Niccol
Line Producer: Tina Archibald
Production Manager: Joe Hiles
Shooting In: Wellington
Studio Name: n/a
Production Start: 30th October 2023
First Shoot Date: 17th December 2023
Last Shoot Date: 17th February 2024
Crewing Contact Email: jo@thedive.tv

I, Object follows Tom, a grief-stricken 10-year-old boy who has drifted into a world of imagination after the death of his father. Misunderstood by everyone, Tom starts forming unusual friendships with the faces he sees in everyday objects. Soon everything from his alarm clock, pop cans, and even the kitchen sink begin helping him accept his loss and reconnect with the humans around him.

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