Hollywood’s Influential Crew Whisperer Opens Up

In 2021, an Instagram account emerged that harnessed the frustration of crewmembers fed up with the status quo of sprawling hours on film and television sets.

Debuting Aug. 1 of that year, IATSE Stories (@ia_stories) shared anonymous tales of workplace conditions from self-described crewmembers in stark black-and-white. The often-shocking stories shared on the page — ranging from people nodding off at the wheel after long workdays, to one crewmember allegedly laboring for 39 days straight — touched a nerve at a time when crew union IATSE was negotiating rest periods with studios in a new labor contract. The page — which would quickly attract more than 100,000 followers — channeled a fresh brand of Hollywood labor fervor, one that would erupt that year as IATSE members authorized a strike (less than two years before the industry’s actors and writers made history with their work stoppages).

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