Amazon Web Services Introduces Pay As You Go Cloud Rendering Service For Deadline-Sensitive VFX and CG Work

Complex visual effects and computer graphics can mean extensive (and expensive) computing needs, and to address this, Amazon Web Services is launching a new cloud rendering service.

AWS Deadline Cloud, aimed at entertainment and other industries with computing-intensive needs, makes its infrastructure available, the model is structured so that users only pay for what they need and when they need it, for instance, on tight deadlines.

In today’s era of filmmaking, VFX and CG are, of course, used in many features and series. Antony Passemard, general manager of creative tools at AWS, notes that VFX rendering might take “a few hours per frame on large complex frames for a movie, for example.” A full VFX-heavy scene, therefore, “could be many days of rendering, or many, many, many machines are working in parallel.”

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