ALEXA 35 is the Dominant ARRI Camera Among Cannes 2024 Cinematographers

As the tradition continues, ARRI cameras are preferred among Cannes filmmakers. For instance, the ALEXA Mini and Mini LF were the chosen cameras by the Cannes 2023 cinematographers. It appears that in Cannes 2024 there’s no difference besides the rise of the newest ALEXA, which is the 35. ARRI felt inspired by Y.M.CINEMA charts and released its own Cannes 2024 camera chart focusing on ARRI cameras. According to ARRI’s chart, the ALEXA 35 is in the first place as the weapon of choice of Cannes 2024 cinematographers. After that, there are the Mini LF, Mini, ARRICAM LT, ARRIFLEX 416, ALEXA 65, ALEXA LF, and ARRIFLEX SR3. That’s an impressive film presence as well

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