AI Says My Screenplay is Better Than ‘Silence of the Lambs’ and ‘Schindler’s List’

This morning, a really lovely NFS reader reached out to me and wanted my opinion on a program called ScriptReader.AI, which charges $10 for a complete screenplay breakdown, comparable to Greenlight Coverage, which we did a write-up on.

Upon glancing at the website, I thought it had some real big issues! First off, they have a vault of copyrighted screenplays, and it appears as if they ran through their language model to determine what is a good and what is a bad screenplay—but I have no proof of that, just wondering!

I would assume there’s a lawsuit to be had somewhere in there, especially by some of the more litigious studios. They should look into it.

What I thought was hilarious was that the service was offering coverage for $10.

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