Andrew Caisley to chair New Zealand On Air board

Following his trip to Auckland this week, Minister Paul Goldsmith has announced appointments to boards of three organisations across his Arts and Media portfolios.

In his capacity as Media and Communications Minister, Mr Goldsmith is appointing Andrew Caisley as Chair of New Zealand On Air. 

“Andrew has longstanding experience in governance roles in the creative sector, serving as both member and or Chair of the NZ Book Council, Playmarket, the Indian Ink Theatre Trust, and Q Theatre Trust,” Mr Goldsmith says. “He has also served as a member of Creative New Zealand and the New Zealand Film and Literature Board Review.”

In his role as Minster for Arts, Culture & Heritage, Goldsmith also announced a new Chair for the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Carmel Walsh, who’s been acting Chair since April.

Goldsmith also announced Kent Gardner as the new Chair of Creative New Zealand.

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  1. I’m hopeful that Mr Caisley will make an effective chair for what has been a very effective funding body, but it concerns me that his day job isn’t mentioned — he’s an anti-union lawyer, who for the last 30 years has made his living by representing employers during strikes and lockouts.

    I’d love to learn more about his philosophies with regard to how creatives/employees/contractors will be empowered or disempowered under his leadership.

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